Right Story, Wrong Story by Tyson Yunkaporta
**recently published in the US – access here
This book extends Yunkaporta’s explorations of how we can learn from Indigenous thinking. Along the way, he talks to a range of people including liberal economists, memorisation experts, Frisian ecologists, and Elders who are wood carvers, mathematicians and storytellers. This book is a sequence of thought experiments, which are, as Yunkaporta writes, ‘crowd-sourced narratives where everybody’s contribution to the story, no matter how contradictory, is honoured and included…the closest thing I can find in the world to the Aboriginal collective process of what we call “yarning”.’
Strength Basing, Empowering and Regenerating Indigenous Knowledge Education by John Davis
In this book, John Davis presents Indigenous Knowledges – ways of doing, creating and learning – combined with contemporary education practice, to develop a culturally responsive pedagogy that builds on the strengths that Indigenous Australian students bring to the classroom.
Hoodie Economics by Jack Manning Bancroft
Jack Manning Bancroft builds a values system revolution that centres a relational economy, offering urgent and transformative solutions to embrace Indigenous thinking and ideas from outside the margins and pushing the focus from capitalism to relationships – from the people in suits to the people in hoodies.
Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta
What happens when global systems are viewed from an Indigenous perspective? How does it affect the way we see history, money, power and learning? Could it change the world? This book is about everything from echidnas to evolution, cosmology to cooking, sex and science and spirits to Schr dinger’s cat.
Declaration of Peace for Indigenous Australians and Nature: A Legal Pluralist Approach to First Laws and Earth Laws by Tyson Yunkaporta, et al.
This groundbreaking book delves into the lived experiences and collective wisdom of Indigenous communities impacted by colonialism. Through collaborations with non-Indigenous colleagues, this book seeks to inform current legal practices and advocate for a transformative shift toward justice, equity, and the recognition of First Law and Earth-centered law.
Danger Is a Signal, Not a State: Bigaagarri—An Indigenous Protocol for Dancing Around Threats to Wellbeing. Orcher, P.; Palmer, V.J.; Yunkaporta, T. Soc. Sci. 2025, 14, 27.
The Ancient Wisdom Grift: Mad Studies and Indigenous Methods applied to the problem of spiritual disinformation narratives, Yunkaporta, T. International Mad Studies Journal Vol 2, Issue 1, 2024.
Riotous methodological and methodointuitive reflections on (non)religion, spirituality and the multispecies turn, Halafoff, A., Yunkaporta, T., Hancock, R., Harris, R. 2024, Social Compass, 0(0).
Fire in the Belly. Deakin University, Yunkaporta, Tyson (2024). Journal contribution. https://hdl.handle.net/10779/DRO/DU:26934004.v1
Yarning and knitting words: a cross-cultural thought experiment on writing beyond school, McKnight, Lucinda & Yunkaporta, Tyson. (2024). The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy. 10.1007/s44020-024-00066-6.
Indigenous systems knowledge applied to protocols for governance and inquiry, Fletcher G, Waters J, Yunkaporta T, Marshall C, Davis J, Manning Bancroft J, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 22 Jan 2023
Aboriginal Pedagogy: Integrity in Academic and Cultural Practice, Yunkaporta T, Holistic Education Review 3(1):1-6 May 2023
Investigating the State of Indigenous Knowledges at the University of Southern Queensland (with recommendations). Waters, J., (2023). Masters Thesis, University of Southern Queensland
Our Fire Stories: Emergence through the Circle-Work Process at Indigenous Knowledge Systems Lab, Davis & Coopes, 2022, December 1, Journal of Awareness-based Systems Change
The Status of Data Analysis in Indigenous Research, Yunkaporta & Moodie, 2021, Indigenous Voices: Privileging Our Voices
Durithunga – Growing, nurturing, challenging and supporting urban Indigenous leadership in education, Davis, 2017.
‘Tyson Yunkaporta on Indigenous Law, Lore, and Learning’, the Jim Rutt Show (ep 282), February 6 2025
‘IT’S RUDE TO MAKE FUN OF PEOPLE’: ABORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPHER SPEAKS OUT ABOUT ‘FACE TIME’ PRANK‘, Ngaarda Media, interview with Tyson Yunkaporta, February 5 2025
‘Reimagining education for the sake of the future’ – Australian Financial Review, interview with Joshua Waters – 22 Nov 2024
‘Disinformation warfare and the weaponisation of spirituality: How Indigenous knowledge can help fight back’ – ABC article by Tyson Yunkaporta & Samuel White, 6 September 2024
‘To assume our potential, we must be able to see into the future’ – The Guardian article by Joshua Waters, 12 August 2024
ABC’s The Drum – appearance by John Davis, 26 September 2023
ABC’s The Drum – appearance by John Davis, 8 March 2023
IMAGI-NATION Labs YouTube channel – Joshua Waters on ‘Citizens for Systems Change’, July 2023.
‘New bush uni celebrating Indigenous culture comes to the Bunya mountains’ – 7News, April 2022.
‘Protocols for Non-Indigenous People Working with Indigenous Knowledge’, 2024. Written by Indigenous scholars from IKSLabs at Algoma (Canada) and Deakin (Australia) Universities, in conjunction with Indigenous thinkers from AIME and the Indigenous Commons, under the auspices of the Indigenous Systems Knowledge Collective.
Complexability Yarns – a series of yarns (in partnership with Cynefin Centre, Cynefin Centre Australia and Complexability) with Indigenous Thinkers from Australia, Wales, Papua New Guinea, Canada and New Zealand exploring concepts of language, culture, spirituality, scale, similarities and differences and more.